Friday, June 7, 2019

A Better Studying Session - MyQualityTutor

Better Studying Session

At any point in time in your life, you would need to focus and concentrate on tasks, be it studying or working. You and I are very different people and that includes the way we think, feel and act. There are several learning patterns that have been identified by careful studies, and they have proven that many have different approaches when it comes to studying. If you are a visual learner, you’d usually opt for documentaries or graphical books; and if you are an auditory learner, you’d prefer podcasts over academic journals and news reports over newspapers. All in all, cramping in a studying session regardless of the way you study is essential to productivity. You may as well sit there for a whole afternoon and only realise after that you digested your lunch but not the things you read.
Here are a couple of quick tips that can make your studying session more enjoyable:
1. Be cool! We would only be able to concentrate completely if we are in an environment where our physical and mental aspects are in their element. If you study in a stuffy room, more often than not you would feel sluggish and sleepy. If you are in a very cold room, you would be looking for a sip, as your throat would feel dry quickly. Set yourself in an area where you would have the proper temperature setting, proper furniture, proper sitting posture, enough working area and especially, enough lighting to cover your work area.
2. Glurp! Water is essential to our lives and we would often neglect it when we are focusing on our work. Hence, it is important to place your water bottle or a jug of water where you would study so you are reminded to have a drink now and then. Feeling thirsty isn’t going to help you feel comfortable, needless to say make you feel refreshed and energised!
3. Snack attack! Having a bite at the study table is a GREAT way to focus! What would be a better companion than quick little bites that you can chomp down while trying to go through all those math workings! Don’t feast yourself with a platter of chips and crackers though, opt for healthier options like fruits or nuts, you may even adopt a nutritional habit through this!
4. 1..2..3…4! Not rock music, try calm and relaxing music the next time you study. Allow yourself to empty your mind, settle your emotions and head in the game for your studying session. Many people find that silence is eerie to them especially when they’re studying alone. Hence, having soft and subtle music in the background may keep your brain’s responses active and ready for mathematical operations or intense memorising.
5. Stretchhhhh Sitting in a fixed posture for long hours may induce pain or soreness in your
muscles, especially in your neck region as you would be staring at your book on the table. Make sure that you take periodic breaks to stretch in order to loosen up those muscles, either by taking a brisk walk or stretching at your seat. Warming up your muscles in a cold room can also make you more alert and prevent you from dozing off. When you’re back at the table, you would feel charged up and ready to dash through the pages again.
Many people tend to suffer from low output as they cramp themselves with more information than they can possibly receive. Without adequate effort in maintaining a cohesive environment in which you do your revision, expect little productivity in the end of the day. As important as studying is, make sure the hours you spend by the desk is worth it up to the second!

Author: Galvin Lee is the award winner of various debating championships and author of physics book. He has good foundation in languages and science, hoping to open new doors to an adventurous ride in life.

Good Private Tutor Malaysia

Good Private Tutor Malaysia

Private tutoring has become an essential part of the lives of school-going children. It is one-on-one tutoring where teachers can engage with students directly. Teachers will teach students in a smaller group number than having to deal with almost 40 of them in a conventional classroom. Students now are exposed to many subjects such as Mandarin, English, Mathematics, Science and others. There are multiple types of tests as well. For example, UPSR, PT3, SPM, IGCSE, IB, KSSR and others. Finding private tuitions for each subject and for such types of examinations would need a private tutor.
So if you have decided to get a private tutor for your child, I say that you have made a good choice. It is a good way to make sure your child does well in studies.

Unfortunately, there are cases where parents cannot fully rely on the tutor as they do not trust the tutor. Sometimes, misunderstanding does occur and this can also be a reason why parents prefer not to have private tutors.
Other reasons maybe timing, the tutor’s educational background and the way the tutor treats the child. Yes, parents want to give the best for their child. Therefore, all aspects must be taken into consideration.
If you are here and you are reading this article, well, I say that you have hit the jackpot! Let me give you some tips on hiring a private tutor for your child to avoid any inconvenience in the future.

1.Make sure of the tutor’s qualification for the selected subject.

A good tutor is someone who is specialized in a certain area. This means that the tutor knows the subject well and is able to give a better insight for your child. Not all tutors are well-versed with a number of subjects. Consequently, you should ensure that the tutor is properly qualified to teach a particular subject. Sometimes, the tutor can be qualified to teach technical subjects such as Mathematics and Science. But, you have to bear in mind that the levels are different for primary, secondary and tertiary education. A tutor must also be qualified enough to teach the right syllabus. For instance, KSSR is no more applicable for year 1 to 3 students. The syllabus is known as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Consequently, the tutor you choose for your child should be certified and up-to-date with the right curriculum. Hence, the qualification should match not only your child’s concern but also the level your child is at.

2.Reasonable Fee

At times, the tutor may be the most suitable one for your child. But, the tutor expects to be paid more than you are offering. So, it is important that you can afford a tutor. There are cases where the tutor raises his or her fee after a few classes. In this scenario, you can either hire another tutor or stand your ground. You will also have to understand that the fee might not be sufficient at times. Since you are paying, you have the authority to raise or decrease the pay of your tutor, if it is not fixed. There are two other aspects you would have to consider before making any financial decisions related to your tutor.

2a).Payment policy

Does your tutor have an hourly payment? Does your tutor collect the fee after each class or monthly? These are some questions that have to be answered before choosing your tutor.

2b).Cancellation or discontinuation of contract

If it is contract-based tutoring, what would happen in terms of payment when you want to cancel the tutor? Some tutors pay half of their future salary as a commission to their agency and there are cases where you cannot cancel your tutor without paying the entire fee for the month.
Hence, the financial commitments you make with your tutor should be clear to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

3. Teaching experience is vital.

Private tutoring can be conducted by namely anyone. You cannot always expect a very experienced tutor. Sometimes, it can be a teacher trainee or a person who works part-time at a coffee shop. Thus, you must enquire the tutor on their teaching experience. Someone who is experienced will find it easier to teach your child as they have dealt with other kinds of students as well. A tutor can claim to have a Masters in the English Language but may not possess any kind of teaching experience. There is a high chance of the tutor to use their experience with your child as an experiment and leave the job quickly. There is also an opportunity for you to likely cancel the tutor in a short period of time. Also, different test types have different approaches. Therefore, you must make sure that the tutor is also well-versed with the type of test your child will be sitting for in school. For example, the English subject level in IGCSE and SPM is different. Thus, a tutor who is well-versed in SPM syllabus might not be suitable to teach IGCSE subjects.In short, qualifications cannot be taken into considerations solely. It should be accompanied with good teaching experience.
I really hope that my tips are helpful and you can find a good private tutor for your child in Malaysia. Always have an open mind when finding a tutor as too may specifications can stop you from getting any tutors. Good rates do not mean that the tutor is a quality one.